Various Opinions Regarding the Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM in Semarang

Former Chairman of BKKBN Haryono Suyono delivered his statement at the 2024 National Family Day event

GEMARI.ID-JAKARTA. General Chairman of the BPP Andalan Kelompok UPPKA (AKU), Ambar Rahayu as the head of the organizer of the Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM in Semarang delivered a report in front of the audience. At the beginning of her report, she thanked the Governor of Central Java, the Chairman of BKKBN, the Mayor of Semarang and all parties who had provided support and convenience in organizing this year's Pameran and Gelar Dagang. She further reported that this activity was attended by family economic empowerment groups, especially the UPPKA and UMKM groups, which accounted for almost 90 percent of the 213 stands. The aim is to provide an opportunity for each region and ministry or government institution to exhibit superior products native to Indonesia, sharing various experiences between exhibitors for their superior products.

One of the activities Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM in Semarang is the Talkshow

Haryono Suyono as the former Chairman of BKKBN reminded the BPP AKU management not to be fooled and be proud. This activity is the activity of the upper layer represented by the elite, AKU members of the elite layer who seize opportunities with the strength of their network from marginalized groups. AKU's main target should be the empowerment and development of poor families. Haryono emphasized that while it is not too late, BPP AKU administrators need to look again at AKU's target of poor families whose rise to the top is very slow compared to elite families who once they get the opportunity and capital immediately form a line of producers and consumers who help each other to progress together in an integrated manner.

BPP AKU Supervisory Board, Hardiyanto looks serious about participating in the Talkshow activities

BPP Supervisory Board AKU Hardiyanto is of the opinion that this year's  Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM is very extraordinary, different from previous years. Apart from the UPPKA Group from all provinces in Indonesia exhibiting product results according to the characteristics of their respective regions, workshops were also held with material on how to improve UPPKA/UKM group products, such as product introduction and marketing the results through various online channels in accordance with current developments.  Apart from that, a fashion show competition was also held featuring products from the UPPKA group which were participated by several provinces, and a stand-up comedy competition was also held with the theme of stunting/family quality/family economy.

General Chairman of BPP AKU, Ambar Rahayu was seen inspecting the West Kalimantan BKKBN UPPKA stand

Chairman of BPP AKU East Kalimantan Province, Noor Azisah Aziz said, after attending and taking part in the Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPA UMKK in Semarang, she hopes that more and more superior products from East Kalimantan can be introduced to the wider community. UPPKA must now be able to change its image, we must be able to move up to the same class as UMKMs assisted by other ministries. She also hopes that UPKKA group friends will further improve the quality of their products, so they can compete in the market.

The UPPKA BKKBN Bali stand was also visited by the General Chairman of BPP AKU, Ambar Rahayu

Chairman of BPD AKU Lampung Province, Septiana, hopes that in the future AKU can have its own budget, that is the biggest hope. She appealed to BPP AKU, how to make AKU have its own funds, so AKU can move more freely. She explained that the General Chairman of BPP AKU, Mrs. Ambar Rahayu, Alhamdulillah, had paid attention to AKU Province. Apart from that, she requested that if there are KOREN BKKBN activities, Mrs. Ambar Rahayu is expected to be able to fight to get funds for BPP AKU and BPD AKU in the province.

UPPKA BKKBN Maluku was very happy to have its stand visited by the General Chairman of BPP AKU, Ambar Rahayu

Supandri Igirisa, a participant from Gorontalo, expressed his feelings and excitement, because I was still new and had no previous experience, the event at the Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM in Semarang was very lively, so all BKKBN representatives from all over Indonesia gathered, had a friendly gathering here, in addition to the friendly gathering. Bringing its spirit are UPPKA products produced by Gorontalo. All representatives took their products from UPPKA Gorontalo, there were 10 of us from Gorontalo, from each district/city, also present was the Acting Governor of Gorontalo. I feel this activity is very lively, a very extraordinary event.

The talk show participants looked serious while listening to the speaker's presentation

Owner of Mariska Food and Spices, Country Director of Mutigo Indonesia, Masni Eritrina said, when I was little, we knew about BKKBN's activities, every day it appeared on television, in newspapers, which at that time often informed about its activities, but now it is not heard of, even though every year there is one, only people outside the BKKBN don't know about it. I feel that the BKKBN should be like before, with fangs and showing its work, because increasingly working mothers come here as I see, the family is the smallest unit in society. If the family is good, the society must be good, the country must be good, so family planning is not only about having two children, but also about how the family's economy is strong.

Vice General Chairman of BPP AKU, Wahyuni Chamsah delivered a speech at the closing ceremony of the Pzmeranand Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM in Semarang

The closing event for the activity, which was held on June 29 2024, was attended by the Deputy for KSPK BKKBN, General Chairman of BPP AKU, Director of Family Economic Empowerment of BKKBN, Head of BKKBN Representatives throughout Indonesia, Head of Regency/City KB OPDs throughout Indonesia, Work Partners, and the audience as well as participants in the Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM. Vice General Chairman of BPP AKU, Wahyuni ​​Chamsah, in his speech representing the General Chairperson of BPP AKU said, FUN and PROUD, those are perhaps two words that can describe the implementation of trade exhibitions and events in commemoration of National Family Day 2024, which has been taking place for the last three days. The first sentence delivered received enthusiastic applause from the participants. She further explained, the Pameran and Gelar Dagang UPPKA UMKM in commemoration of the 31st National Family Day (HARGANAS), started with a fashion show by UPPKA/UMKM, PKK activists from 37 provinces throughout Indonesia.  They show off the superior products they have. @mulyono_dp