Nusantara Village Tourism Festval in Jakarta


Tuesday morning 13 August 2019 chairman of the team of experts of PDTT Village Ministry Prof Dr Haryono Suyono attended Nusantara Village Tourism Festival in Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya, Jakarta. The event was opened by the Minister of Village PDTT, Eko Putro Sandjojo was reported by Dirjen Taufik Majid. The opening was also attended by Dirjen, Director and Senior Officials of various Ministries, Partners of the Ministry of Village Development and PDTT, members of the Experts team Aviliani, Ilya Avianti, Jimmy Gani and senior officials from various ministries including the Director general of Village Development from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Ninister of Village Development and PDTT, Eko Putro Sandjojo, opened the Festival of the Village Nusantara Tourism at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, which lasted for two days and attended by about 500 guests Consists of governors, Regents, head of the Community Empowerment Office and invited guests from Jakarta and other Village Development Program and village communities. Many of the villages have been working through Gotong Royong and used funds rolled directly to the village reached about 257 trillion to develope programs to be a self-reliant villages. While the many of the targets have been compleded, the number of villages remains quite a lot to be assisted to devepe as self-reliant villages.


In addition to the concentration on infrastructure development such as roads, bridges and public facilities such as PAUD, Posyandu, McK and others, over the four years, It turns out that the development of tourism villages has been Encouraging. No less than 8,000 tourist villages have been developed all over Indonesia. Many tourist villages have delopped with better income for the the family of the villages, some Villages have gained more than 2.5 billion annually. More than that improved income, the villages have gained better job opportunity with enough income for a lot of residents in the villages. The activities also provide villagers that are passed by the tourists to and back from enjoying the tour in the village spot with opportunity fo other attractions.

New attractions in some villages, such as in Pujon and others have provided Home Stay for tourists who stay longer in the area that gives a decent additional income for the people who turn their home into a place to stay with attractive facilities. They are entertain by local show such as Rice planting activities which for the Village people are very simple, it can also be an interesting entertainment for tourism as an object the tourists never experienced. Not to mention the art performances that are provided and performed by villagers that every day give entertainment to foreign countries tourists.

Minister Eko revealed that after seeing the successful development of the village and the village community, President Jokowi has expressed its commitment that for the next five years the funds to be disbursed for the village development will be increased to four hundred Trillion compre to today of 257 trillion with priorities for the development of human resources and encourages economic activity to improve the happiness and well-being of the people in the village. The minister also reveals that the efforts in the village resulting faster poverty reduction than that in the city in general.

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