Build a HIPPRADA who love three young generations of Nations


Next week, precisely on Wednesday 21 August 2019, chairman of HIpprada, Association of Wreda Scouts, Haryono Suyono, accompanied by several members of the other board will jointly inaugurate and appoint Chairman and member of hte Board of HIPPRADA Area Central Java in Semarang. This event is in fact a regular organizational activity that is always ongoing when a Board is renew its chairman, or Chief branch, or other member of the board, but the event of the Central Java Regional Chapter is somewhat special because it was done after the commemoration of the Independence Day of INDONESIA to 74 on 17 August 2019, as well as the replacement of the new cabinet from the leadership of The head of the team will most likely develop a continuation program that has been completed in the first period.

In the first period, the President of Indonesia, Jokowi, has developed a program of infrastructure in a rash in nearly 75,000 villages in the country, so on several occasions he promised in the second period will develop the quality of human resources and at the rural level will be more concentration on the effort to increase the role of villagers and families in establishing village owned enterprises, business between rural areas, utilizing Village Embung and Sarana Olah Raga or Sport Center that has been built in the village, Boosting Quality of the family, improve Human resources, improve the status of family nutrition and also improve efforts to remove stunting that in the past ten years haunts Indonesian families because of the state of nutrition is very poor easily produces a population whose brain and body growth is impaired, not only be a midget, but rather his brain is not developing, making herself not growing normally or other It is very difficult to develop quality human capital, his intelligence and agility can end up becoming a suffering resident or family.

Therefore the Chairman of HIPPRADA on that occasion will invite the entire ranks to resolve by renewing the program and activities, mainly as the Scout Wreda, which is relatively aged, became the exemplary Generations of toddlers, young and adult generations strengthen their ability and self-esteem, reward their fellow young and senior children and establish close cooperation between fellow associates and fellow generations and a more senior generation for cooperation and appreciation among generations in increasingly integrated in Unity and powerful capital for Indonesia in its coming golden and glorious period. Insya Allah.

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