YKBRP's Birthday Makes Many People Happy

General Chairman of YKBRP, dr Sri Kusumo Amdani, SpA(K), MSc cut the tumpeng and handed it over to Prof Haryono Suyono

GEMARI.ID-JAKARTA. The 46th anniversary of the Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan was very lively and made many people happy. As stated by Wakil Ketua Pembina of the foundation, Nina Akbar Tandjung, that she was grateful that the wives of ministers in the past were harmonious in growing the foundation. She was very impressive, because of his seniors, such as Mrs. Benny Moerdani, Mrs. Hartini Hartarto, Mrs. Sri Harmoko, Mrs. Wismoyo Arismunandar, Mrs. Prof. Justika Baharsjah, Mrs. Suryati Roesmin Nurjadin, Mrs. Milangoni Subiakto Tjakrawerdaja, Mrs. Ayu Resmayati Mar'ie Muhammad and others can attend the YKBRP 46th Anniversary Commemoration event. Those who are over 80 years old can attend and Prof. Haryono Suyono as the Ketua Pembina foundation is also present, he looks healthy and fresh, said Mrs. Nina Akbar Tandjung.

The elderly residents of Sasana Tresna Werdha RIA Pembangunan (STW-RP) performed with angklung music to entertain the audience

One of the members of Pembina foundation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Justika Baharsjah, MSc, said that the 46th anniversary of the Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan (YKBRP) combined with the Halal Bihalal event, was a good event, we could stay in touch and meet old friends. If there wasn't an event like this, maybe we wouldn't have met, but with this event, we can see and remember memories from the past, she said.

The Minister of Agriculture in the era of President Soeharto said, I think today's meeting will have many benefits, including being able to help our happiness, because we are not alone here, even though we are at home alone, but there are many old friends here, everyone remembers the past. She hopes that the foundation will continue to develop, so that it can benefit society. For this reason, we continue to think positively about our future. Hopefully we can meet again soon, said Prof Justika.

RIA Pembangunan ladies took a photo with the foundation's administrators and supervisors

Dr Sri Kusumo Amdani, SpA(K), MSc, General Chairman of YKBRP said, my impression today is that many RIA Development ladies are present, I am happy that they are willing to attend this event and meet each other and miss each other, who maybe it's been a long time since we've seen each other. My message is that we hope that events like this will continue and that we as administrators are always enthusiastic about advancing and developing this foundation, she said.

Children of PAUD/TK RIA Pembangunan participated in entertaining the audience by singing and dancing

Chairman of the Committee, Ria Indrastuty Haryono said, I would like to express my thanks and high appreciation to my fellow committee members, who have worked hard to help, from preparation to implementation of today's event. I would also like to express my thanks to the mothers who are members of RIA Pembangunan, who were willing to attend this event and they have contributed, so that this event can be carried out well. @mulyono_dp

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