Information on New Developments of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta

Chairman of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, Sri Danti Anwar speaking to the meeting participants

GEMARI.ID-CIBUBUR. Chairman of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, Dra Sri Danti Anwar, MA held a leadership meeting and invited the Head and Secretary of the Badan Penyelenggara, Dr dr Andi Julia Rifiana, SH, M.Kes and Dr Mulyono D Prawiro, SE, MM. The meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Chairman and Heads of the Center, was held at the campus in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta. Tuesday (26/03/2024).

After the meeting, when asked by media crew, the Chairman of STIKes MRHJ, Dra Sri Danti Anwar, MA explained that regarding the developments taking place at the her collage, according to her, currently STIKes MRHJ is focusing on Re-Accreditation of Bachelor of Midwifery and Midwifery Profession. Until now, STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta has three study programs, the first is the Bachelor of Applied Midwifery Study Program which has changed to the Bachelor of Midwifery Study Program, then the Professional Midwife Study Program and also the Public Health Study Program," she explained.

You can see the Deputy Chairman I of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, Academic Sector, Bdn Imelda Diana Marsilia, SST, SKM, M.Keb delivering the latest updates in the academic sector

She further said, in order to improve the quality of the Bachelor of Midwifery study program and also in order to ensure that this study program follows the existing regulations, from being a Bachelor of Applied Midwifery program to a Bachelor of Midwifery study program, starting this year we are preparing to carrying out Re-Accreditation of Bachelor of Midwifery and Midwifery Profession, she said.

Mrs. Danti, nicknamed the Chairman of STIKes MRHJ, added, actually preparations have been made since last year, with changes to the nomenclature, this year we are making it even more concrete, so the plan is that after Idul Fitri we will register with LAMPTKes to carry out Re-Accreditation and after "Hopefully after Idul Fitri there will be a team of assessors who will visit this campus," she added.

The meeting participants looked enthusiastic in listening to the explanation from the Chairman of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta

Apart from the Bachelor of Midwifery and Midwifery Profession, we are currently also making preparations in order to follow up on the results of post-Re-Accreditation monitoring and evaluation for the public health study program. This Public Health Study Program will end its certification in 2025, but then LAMPTKes carries out monitoring and evaluation every year online.

The results of monitoring and evaluation of the Public Health Study Program after the Re-Accreditation of this study program, we are currently following up on recommendations from the Monev results, we plan to upload all the documents needed this week to follow up on the Monev after Re-Accreditation of the Public Health Study Program. After Idul Fitri there will be visits which will be carried out online.

Furthermore, she informed that currently STIKes MRHJ is running an even semester, so Alhamudillah.. there are additional students this March, the existing targets have increased quite a bit, hopefully in September we can also reach the target again. "We hope that students who have graduated from high school or equivalent will be able to register at the STIKes MRHJ campus," she explained.

Other activities are running as usual, and currently we are carrying out studies related to the development of infrastructure and facilities, we have approached several consultants, but the most important thing needed is clarity on the legality of this land, because once the infrastructure is built the developer will question, later we will definitely consult with the foundation.

At the end of her explanation, Mrs. Danti explained that regarding the development of the study program, today we will have a meeting and will ask for updates from the team that has been formed, so for future development, we have formed two teams. The first is the new study program development team which is coordinated by Deputy Chairman I and the second is the campus infrastructure and infrastructure development team, which is coordinated by Deputy Chairman II. I have been assigned this since last month to carry out studies on the possibilities for us to follow up on. "Today we will hear an update from them," she concluded. @mdp.

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