Haryono Suyono: The Role of BKKBN is Very Important in Efforts to Eradicate Poverty
Prof Dr Haryono Suyono, MA, PhD, former Minister of Population, Republic of Indonesia
GEMARI.ID-JAKARTA. One of the priority programs of the Ministry of Population and Family Development/BKKBN is to build Indonesian families to be more prosperous, raising poor families to become independent families and no longer poor, explained the former Chairman of BKKBN, Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono in Jakarta. Thursday (26/12/2024).
According to Haryono Suyono, fortunately in the past BKKBN seniors worked together with academics, BKKBN succeeded in formulating criteria for Indonesian families based on various simple indicators that were easier to understand. "The indicators are divided into five parts, namely Pre-Prosperous Families, Prosperous Families I, Prosperous Families II, Prosperous Families III and Prosperous Families III Plus," said Haryono.
The former Minister of Population in the era of President Soeharto further added that every region is advised to carry out family data collection and the BKKBN is very enthusiastic about carrying out family data collection. Each family's home is visited by family planning field officers and the family planning field officers easily recognize the families visited, so that when BKKBN develops family development, the targets are easy to identify. Finally, BKKBN systematically developed family data collection throughout Indonesia. At that time, it was recorded that Bali Province, DKI Jakarta Province and North Sulawesi Province were free from Pre-Prosperous families, he added.
In the current era, where President Prabowo Subianto places efforts to eradicate poverty as a high priority in the government he leads, the role of BKKBN can be very important, because BKKBN has family data and can know target priorities well, he concluded. @mulyono_dp