To commemorate the 21st Anniversary STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta held an International Webinar
Dr Sri Danti Anwar, MA, Chairman of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta
GEMARI.ID-CIBUBUR. In commemoration of the 21st Anniversary in 2024, STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta is holding an International Webinar with the theme The Impact of Climate Change on Public Health, with a focus on Maternal and Child Health. This international webinar presented speakers from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr Eko Novi Ariyanti RD, from Flinder University Adeliade South Australia, Prof Dr Susanne Schech and from ACWC Representative for Women's Rights, Dr Ratchada Jayagupta, Thayland, said Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Nina Tresnayanti , S.SiT, M.Kes to the media crew. Saturday (26/10/2024).
Vice Chairman II for Non-Academic Affairs, Dra Ninin Nirawaty, M.Ed, PA appeared as moderator
Vice Chairman II for Non-Academic Affairs, Dra Ninin Nirawaty, M.Ed, PA appeared as moderator at this International Webinar and this event was opened by the Chairman of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, Dr Sri Danti Anwar, MA. It was reported that around 300 participants took part in this activity, including leaders, lecturers and students of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta as well as the general public.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Nina Tresnayanti , S.SiT, M.Kes
In her speech, Dr Sri Danti Anwar, MA said, thank you to all International Webinar participants. She said that this event could take place thanks to the cooperation and participation of all participants and also the organizing committee. This International Webinar activity is a series of activities to commemorate the 21st Anniversary of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, the culmination of which will be held on October 29 2024. On behalf of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, she expressed her thanks and high appreciation to the speakers and hoped that "All participants can follow this International Webinar until the end and participate actively so that they can increase the knowledge and experience of all participants," she said.
Dr Eko Novi Ariyanti RD, from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia
The first speaker, Dr Eko Novi Ariyanti RD, in her presentation explained, Climate change has a negative impact on women, including pregnant women, which can impact the fetus in the womb; These include the health of pregnant women, low birth weight, disruption of children's growth and development, malnutrition, and so on. "From this it can be seen that health problems that occur in mothers also cause problems in children," explained Dr Eko
Prof Dr Susanne Schech from Flinder University Adeliade South Australia
Meanwhile, the second speaker, Prof Dr Susanne Schech from Flinder University explained that, Climate variability and extreme weather events reduce food production, because they cannot take positive mitigation actions, women take negative coping strategies such as reducing food consumption. Around 9% of Indonesia's population is malnourished ( UNICEF Indonesia) Malnutrition in mothers poses a risk of maternal and infant death, explained Prof Susanne.
Dr Ratchada Jayagupta, from ACWC Representative for Women's Rights, Dr Ratchada Jayagupta, Thayland
Meanwhile, the third speaker, Dr Ratchada Jayagupta, explained that, Women are more vulnerable to loss and damage in disasters: Women face increased vulnerability and suffer greater loss and damage during disasters, including have additional burden. Limited GESI integration in climate action: Only a few countries include gender equality and social inclusion in their climate-related policies, programs, or activities. Also, there is the lack of implementation. Low participation of women and vulnerable groups in climate change action: There is a lack of women's involvement and voice in policy-making and the design process, explained Dr Ratchada. @mulyono_dp