Satyagama University Provides Many Scholarships Ready to Help Prospective Students Achieve Their Dreams
After completing the accreditation process, the assessor team, Satyagama University leaders and educational staff took a group photo
GEMARI.ID-JAKARTA. Some time ago, the Rector of Satyagama University, Khitara Aldilla Chandra, in an interview with the media explained that many of Satyagama University's lecturers currently have functional positions, such as Lector and Associate Professor, but there are several lecturers who do not yet have Lecturer Certification (Serdos). She hopes that after the Accreditation process is complete, she will concentrate on lecturers, how lecturers can complete the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, not only as teachers, but carrying out research and community service. She also said that this year Satyagama University accepted 600 new students from the government, namely from the Smart Indonesia Card (Kartu Indonesia Pintar). She hopes that with this scholarship, not only from KIP, but also from the Satyagama Foundation scholarship, this will be the initial driving force for Satyagama University, so that the campus can be dedicated and beneficial to society. This scholarship is free for students who have a high interest in learning, but cannot afford to pay tuition fees, she explained.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs, Dede Supriyadi, explained that our main goal is to rebuild a dynamic and sustainable academic atmosphere at Satyagama University and restore the good name of Satyagama University, which incidentally had a glorious era. He is optimistic that this will happen again during his leadership. He believes that the name of Satyagama University will continue to fly and he plans to add new study programs that are needed by the community, he explained.
In the same place, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion, Dr KH Usman Umar, SAg, MM, hopes that in the future, the Faculty of Islamic Religion will be able to produce graduates who are qualified in the field of education, because our study program currently only has an Islamic Religion study program, he also hopes that alumni who are born from Islamic Religious Education will be able to become professional teachers, who can make the best contribution to society, in terms of educating the life of the nation and state, so that they can be an example. So when these teachers can set a good example, it will have an influence on Satyagama University, especially the Faculty of Islamic Religion in the future, he concluded.
After that, Dr H Rahimullah, SH, MSi, Head of the Master of Government Science Study Program emphasized that the facilities, infrastructure and lecture rooms had been well prepared. Satyagama University also has several professors, although they are not in permanent capital letters, but in the Master of Government Science study program there are many professors whose status is as teachers. The professors taught diligently and had excellent scientific work. Apart from Professors, Satyagama University also has quite a lot of lecturers with Doctoral degrees, with excellent scientific work, including in journal writing, both national and international. He realizes that there are still shortcomings, but continues to struggle to improve existing shortcomings. According to him, what needs to be improved is research, we must get competitive grants for research and community service, that is what we must improve, he stressed.@mulyono_dp