2024 HLUN Commemoration and Various Views About Indonesian Elderly
The 2024 National Elderly Day commemoration held by Sasana Tresna Werdha RIA Pembangunan presented a resource person, Dr Imam B Prasodjo
GEMARI.ID-CIBUBUR. Sasana Tresna Werdha RIA Pembangunan (STW-RP), one of the Work Units of the Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan (YKBRP) participated in commemorating the 28th National Elderly Day (HLUN) in 2024, by holding an Interactive Dialogue event featuring resource persons, Dr Imam B Prasodjo, a sociologist from the University of Indonesia. The event, which was held in Cibubur, was opened by Prof Dr Haryono Suyono and attended by many Indonesian elderly figures, such as, Prof Dr Ir Justika Baharsjah, MSc, Dr Nazaruddin Nasution, MA, Ir Ida Nasution, MSc, Prof Dr Clara M Kusharto, MSc, Dr Djoko Rusmoro , MPA, and several other figures including the elderly residents of the Rumah Lansia Bahagia. Wednesday (29/05/2024.
Ns Ibnu Abas, M.Kep, Sp.Kep. Kom Head of Sasana Tresna Werdha RIA Pembangunan when appearing in front of the audience
Ns Ibnu Abas, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, as someone who works in the field of elderly and Head of STW-RP, he said happy birthday to the Indonesian elderly, I hope that the elderly can maintain their health, physical, mental and social spiritual . Stay happy in old age and benefit theirself, family and society. He hopes that Indonesia's elderly will receive sufficient attention from the government, so that they can live a happy, decent life, as they previously provided many things and contributed to this nation, so that in their old age they will be happy and prosperous.
General Chairperson of the Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan, Dr Sri Kusumo Amdani, SpA(K), MSc when delivering a speech at the HLUN 2024 event
Dr Sri Kusumo Amdani, SpA(K), MSc, General Chairman of the Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan (YKBRP), Indonesian elderly need to fight for their rights, so they can get facilities or funds that can be developed together. Thus, my hope is that Sasana Tresna Werdha RIA Pembangunan or Happy Elderly Home can provide support, donations or funds that can be used for daily life for the elderly who may not be able to fully pay, so some kind of donation or subsidy, especially the elderly who lives at Sasana Tresna Werdha RIA Pembangunan.
Sociologist from the University of Indonesia, Dr Imam B Prasodjo appeared as a resource person on National Elderly Day (HLUN) 2024
Dr Imam B Prasodjo, after appearing as a speaker at the 2024 HLUN event, he explained, what I have come to the point of is first, this group of elderly people is increasing in number, demographically not only in the world in general, but also in Indonesia. So as an elderly group, of course they have their own needs, they must receive more reasonable attention from the government, whether for health facilities, housing facilities or the environment. The elderly are a group that has been the backbone of the nation's economic movement, so it is only natural that at an old age like this, they receive more special attention.
Prof Dr Ir Justika Baharsjah, MSc, Minister of Social Affairs in the Era of the Development Reform Cabinet Republic of Indonesia
Prof Dr Ir Justika Baharsjah, MSc, Minister of Social Affairs in the Era of the Development Reform Cabinet, conveyed the current picture of Indonesian Elderly, the number of Indonesian Elderly is increasing nowadays, and I think they rely on their children and grandchildren and that is very difficult, so it should be from associations or The government helps how to deal with these elderly people, because now there are more and more elderly people, so it must be paid attention to and improved, so that the elderly do not suffer.
Dr Djoko Rusmoro, MPA, General Chairman of the National Movement for Concerned Elderly People (GNLP)
Dr Djoko Rusmoro, MPA, General Chairman of the National Movement for Concerned Elderly People (GNLP), emphasized that GNLP was born because there were many potential elderly people who were unemployed, not being used, not using themselves. So our hope is that seniors who have potential, move to build our brothers and sisters around us, apart from building themselves, that's the main thing. Then we also hope that there will be an umbrella from the National Commission. There is already a Presidential Decree, but if there is no commission to handle it, to manage and monitor it, it might be difficult to move forward.
Prof Dr Clara M Kusharto, MSc when attending the 2024 National Elderly Day (HLUN) commemoration event held by STW-RP, Cibubur
Prof. Dr. Clara M Kusharto, MSc, Professor of Community Nutrition at IPB University. Elderly people inside and outside the home must be in an atmosphere of togetherness and respect and dignity. How can the elderly have dignity, not just healthy, but healthy and happy. Dignity and understanding from children to adults when they see the elderly, they must respect and respect the elderly, that is everything in life, because in the end anyone will return to Almighty God. In their life journey, elderly people are not left alone, so they must be honorable and dignified.
Dr Ir Lilis Heri Mis Cicih, MSi, lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia
Dr Ir Lilis Heri Mis Cicih, MSi, FEB lecturer at the University of Indonesia is of the view that today's Indonesian elderly are generally getting old before they are rich. Indonesian seniors still face many challenges, such as in terms of social protection, employment and health. Apart from that, they highlighted the government's current attention to the elderly. She said that the government through several Ministries or Institutions had tried to create programs related to aging, but the coverage was still small, and had not yet reached all elderly people. Apart from that, the efforts that have been made are still not integrated with each other. @mulyono_dp