Head of the Center for Research and Community Service, STIKes MRHJ Brings New Hope
GEMARI.ID-CIBUBUR. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta (STIKes MRHJ) a few days ago held an Inauguration and Handover Ceremony for the position of Head of the Center for Research and Community Service (PPPM). The event took place in the Main Building and was attended by all leaders, including the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Heads of Centers, Heads of Study Programs, Secretary of Study Programs and several senior lecturers, structural officials and also representatives from Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan (YKBRP), Dr Dr Andi Julia Rifiana, SH, M. Kes and Dr Mulyono D Prawiro, SE, MM. Tuesday (30/04/2024).
The Head of PPPM, Dr Dina Martha Fitri, S.SiT, MPd, resigned and she got an assignment at another university, the Coordinator of Field Learning Practices (PBL), Erny Elviany Sabaruddin, S.Pi, MSi was entrusted to be assigned as the new Head of PPPM . Dr Mulyono D Prawiro on behalf of Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan (YKBRP) to inaugurate herself.
Chairman of STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, Dra Sri Danti Anwar, MA after the inauguration ceremony explained to the media crew that today there was an inauguration ceremony for a new official, the Head of the Center for Research and Community Service (PPPM), because the old official resigned from her duties, she explained.
According to her, if we talk about this position, this position is actually quite strategic, because as Head of the Center for Research and Community Service it is actually one of the pillars in the Tridharma of higher education, but so far we have had many obstacles in providing funds for research and education. So I hope that the new Head of PPPM, apart from continuing what the old officials have done, can also make breakthroughs in the sense of looking for new sources of funding for research and community service, not only from the government but also from the private sector or non-governmental organizations, she said.
For research and Community Service, we feel that so far it has only been supported by grants from the relevant ministries. I see that actually the sources of funds are out there, it just remains to be seen how the STIKes MRHJ can also dig, find out about these sources, and also how we can utilize it with research proposals.
She hopes that STIKes MRHJ will also support government programs to reduce stunting as well as efforts to improve public health. Apart from that, we also hope that the MOUs that have been signed in the past, such as with BRIN and BKKBN and also with other institutions, with other universities, can really be implemented, so that later research and community service activities can really be implemented.
Apart from that, the success of a center head of PPPM must of course be supported, able to work together, collaborate with the lecturers. It is hoped that all lecturers at STIKes MRHJ can actively collaborate with the new center head of PPPM, so that later they can actually carry out research community service tasks well, she added.
The reason for appointing Erny Elviany Sabaruddin, S.Pi, MSi as the new Head of PPPM is actually not my personal decision, this is a collective collegial decision. We look at the track record of the person concerned, her performance, her rank and also the length of time she has worked at STIKes MRHJ. I see that the tracks in question are quite good compared to the others. Apart from that, she is also one of the favorite lecturers and has received an award as an exemplary lecturer, she has done a lot of work in helping develop the work of STIKes MRHJ, she concluded. @mdp