JICA Japan, Polytechnic and Director General of Health Personnel Visit STW-RP Happy Elderly Home

Head of the STW-RP Implementing Board, Ns Ibnu Abas, M.Keb, S.Keb.Kom shows the facilities and services at STW-RP to the JICA Japan delegation

GEMARI.ID-Cibubur. STW RIA Pembangunan's Happy Elderly Home to get guest of honor from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) delegation, led by Mrs. Machico Suzuki, representative from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor and Welfare, together with partners from the Indonesian Ministry of Health Jakarta I Health Polytechnic and representatives of the Director General of Health Personnel. More than 20 representatives of JICA and the Indonesian Ministry of Health were present to get to know and see firsthand the Elderly Services at STW-RP, said the Head of the STW-RP Implementing Board, Ns Ibnu Abas, M.Keb, S.Keb.Kom to the media crew at Jakarta. Thursday (29/02/2024)

He presented the STW-RP profile to the delegation, explaining the history, vision and mission and holistic, comprehensive and integrated elderly service program involving professional staff who are experts in their fields, such as specialist elderly nurses, general practitioners and specialists, social workers and physiotherapists. Abas also invited the JICA delegation to see the health and social facilities and services for the elderly.

Meanwhile, JICA representatives said that STW-RP is one of the best elderly services in Indonesia with very affordable costs. "JICA hopes that together with the Indonesian Ministry of Health, especially the Jakarta I Ministry of Health Polytechnic, they can collaborate in producing professional elderly care workers to improve elderly health services in Indonesia," he said.

Some of the delegation had the opportunity to take a group photo in front of the statue of Mrs. Tien Soeharto in the Main Building Lobby

Furthermore, the representative from the Jakarta I Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Head of the Nursing Department, Mumpuni, SKp., M.BioMed, said that She chose STW-RP to visit because of its excellence in providing services, especially health to the elderly. She hopes that STW-RP can become a strategic partner for implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education by creating a mutually beneficial MOU.

After the visit of the JICA delegation, Health Polytechnic and the Director General of Health Personnel, it ended with a tour and group photo in front of the STW RIA Pembangunan Cibubur Happy Elderly Home building. @mdp

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